Alex Thompson yachtsman
Alex Thompson, Round the World Yachtsman. Rescued from a stricken yacht in the Atlantic Ocean.
John Peters Pilot
Flt Lieutenant John Peters, Gulf War Tornado Pilot. Shot down and taken prisoner.
Simon Greenhalgh, RAF Tornado Pilot, ejected over the North Sea
Steven Callahan survivor
Steven Callahan, Spent 76 days adrift in a life raft in the Atlantic Ocean. Advisor to Director Ang Lee on the movie Life of Pi 
Lauren Unsworth
Lauren Unsworth, Rescued from a capsized Tall Ship off the coast of Brazil
Jason Phillips, Survived an onboard fire, ditching in the sea and submersion in a Royal Navy Sea King helicopter.
Art Stacey, Successfully ditched an RAF Nimrod in the sea after an engine fire. Thankfully, he made his daughter's wedding !

All these people owe their lives to Survitec safety equipment. 

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